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Retreats and Workshops

In 2024 I'm beginning to broaden my wings and do something that I've not done before. Yes, I've run lots of events, but never anything quite this big! 

Sometimes, I think - that there are so many things I'd love to do that are outside the realms of a class situation because of the setup time or the lighting, or the length of time of that particular activity. 

One of my most wonderful memories as a child was going to a retreat centre - not for a retreat, I just happened to be staying there (long story) however, the experience stuck with me. The feel of the place, the atmosphere, and the ambiance. It just felt so calm and spiritual - I was a young teen and yet I could still feel these things. 

I want to re-create that. I know that I can re-create that and allow others to feel what I felt during that short stay. I want YOU to be a part of that. 

In 2024 I'm beginning by setting up a few day retreats and workshops where we'll do some different activities. Maybe we'll do some Qigong or go deeper into some Tai Chi. Maybe we'll spend some time in silent meditation, maybe we'll do mindful painting. 


As time goes on and I get more people on the mailing list, I'll do some weekends.  Who knows where we could end up? 


In Chinese philosophy, we must accept that everything is always moving and always changing. I'm most excited to see where the world is moving me and us, to now, and in the coming years. 


If you're interested in joining me for any length of retreat or workshop, please do join the mailing list below. (I won't use your email address for anything else. It's most annoying when you sign up to something and then get a load of other things that you didn't ask for! ) 

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